Sunday, January 11, 2015

5 Lazy Ways to Lose Weight by

Check out these 5 unbelievably easy ways to lose weight plus our collection of 6 MORE Lazy Ways to Lose Weight!
We are a society of do-ers. Especially when it comes to weight loss. It’s the ultramarathoners, the uber-vegans, the cleansers, the Crossfitters and the calorie-counters that keep the weight off. Diets are tough! And if your journey’s not marked by blood, sweat and tears, you’re probably doing it wrong. Or so the diet and fitness industry would have you believe. But we’re here to assure you that working towards a weight loss goal doesn’t have to be difficult. These 5 simple tweaks can help the laziest of dieters drop serious pounds without lifting a finger. So stay in your PJs, throw on some cartoons, and feel smug about your slim-slacker status, while the rest of them slave away on the treadmill.

Adopt eating rituals.
There’s no wrong way to eat a Reese’s—as long as you have a way that’s yours. Feasting rituals, research suggests, are a form of “mindful eating,” which has the power to make food more pleasurable, and may help prevent overeating. Pleasure, according to research published in the journal Trends in Endocrinology and Metabolism, catalyzes the relaxation response, promoting parasympathetic and digestive activities. In other words, you’ll metabolize dessert faster if you really, really enjoy eating it. In one study, participants who were assigned to eat a chocolate bar in accordance with a particular breaking and unwrapping ritual found the candy much more enjoyable—and even more flavorful—than a group who ate the bar informally.
Make it a team effort and get your family to join in. Steal these 5 Healthy Meal Rituals of Thin Families to use around your own dinner table.

Drink two cups. 
Are you really hungry, or are you actually just thirsty? A study in the journal Physiology & Behavior suggests people inappropriately respond to thirst over 60 percent of the time by eating instead of drinking. Even if you’re not hankering for a thirst-quencher, preloading meals with plain ol’ calorie-free water can shave hundreds of calories from your daily intake. Astudy published in the journal Obesity found that people who drank two cups of water before eating consumed 75 to 90 fewer calories over the course of a meal than they would otherwise. This may simply be because water is filling, but researchers note the added H20 may well be displacing calories otherwise spent on calorie-laden beverages.
Keep a bottle of water with you so you don't even have to run to the store to hydrate! Just make sure you have a reusable one; those plastic ones are hiding 4 Surprising Secrets.

Hide your vices.
Out of sight, out of mouth? Simply reorganizing your pantry's “top hits” could translate into serious calorie savings, according to researchers at Google. A study, conducted at the search engine’s New York office dubbed “Project M&M” found that placing chocolate candies in opaque containers as opposed to glass ones, and giving healthier snacks more prominent shelf space, curbed M&M consumption by 3.1 million calories in just seven weeks. A similar study published in the Journal of Marketing found that people are more likely to overeat small treats from transparent packages than from opaque ones.

Make like Mrs. Dash.
Finishing a meal with grind of black pepper and a sprinkling of fresh herbs isn’t just très gourmet, it’s a double-duty weight loss trick. Recent studies suggest piperine, a powerful compound found in black pepper, has the profound ability to decrease inflammation and interfere with the formation of fat cells, resulting in a decrease in waist size, body fat, and cholesterol levels. As for fresh herbs, a study in the journal Flavour found participants ate significantly less of a wildly aromatic dish than a mildly scented variety. Adding herbs and sodium-free spice blends is an easy take advantage of sensory illusion that you’re indulging in something rich—without adding any fat or calories to your plate.
Double down on the weight loss effect without any extra effort. Just choose one of these 5 Best Spices for Fat Loss when you're cooking.

Call on your Txt buddy.
 Hey hottie with a body! Don’t eat more than 1300 cals 2day! … A recent study published online in Health PromotionPractice found that people who received weekly text reminders of their daily “calorie budget” and motivational emails made healthier meal and snack choices. Solicit a friend to regularly remind you of your diet goals, or take matters into your own hands; set up labeled alarms on your smartphone, so when 6 a.m. rolls around, it’s: You make 1300 cals-a-day look so good! (Here’s a how-to on setting up alarms for iPhone users.)

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