Sunday, January 11, 2015

6 MORE Lazy Ways to Lose Weight by

Maybe you saw our first section of super easy (one could even say lazy) ways to lose weight, but that's not the end of the story. There are even more tricks that require little energy on your part that will help you shave calories, dodge bad foods, and slip in exercise throughout the day. Make sure you're already familiar with our first 5 Lazy Ways to Lose Weight and bookmark these so you won't forget (and to avoid the hassle of Google searching for the article later):
Bring your iPod to the grocery store. 
Rocking out to your favorite upbeat tunes while you grocery shop may keep unwanted items out of your cart. According to a well-cited study by Ronald Milliman in the Journal of Marketing, supermarkets intentionally play slow, calming music to reduce turnover. That translates to 38 percent more time in the store, and an additional 29 percent more food in your cart. Stay jazzed and focused with music that puts some pep in your step!
The relaxing music trick isn't the only ploy the supermarket is using to get you to spend your money and take home unhealthy foods you don't need. Learn how to outsmart all 5 Supermarket Tricks That Sabotage Your Health.

Adopt a Japanese tradition (or two).
Hara hachi bu is a Japanese expression that means “Eat until 80% full,” which, if you put the advice to practice at every meal, translates roughly to a 300 calorie-per-day saving for the average American. It can take up to 30 minutes for the body to register satiety signals, according to research, so consider using chopsticks to slow your pace and feel your fullness. According to a restaurant study published in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine, healthy-weight customers were nearly 3 times more likely to use chopsticks than obese customers.

Tune into Comedy Central.
Bust your gut with gut-busting laughter. A genuine belly laugh may cause a 10 to 20 percent increase in basal metabolic rate, according to a study published in the International Journal of Obesity—which translates to a 40 to 170-calorie burn for every 10-15 minute giggle fest. Laugh your way through a 2-hour comedy every day this week, and lose at least 3.5 pounds by the end of the month! Who’s laughing now?
Did someone tell you that you're stuck with a slow metabolism? Good news: They're wrong. These daily habits, like getting in a good laugh, are 6 Easy Ways to Boost Your Metabolism.

Snack in the afternoon.
Americans are serial snackers. In fact, about two-thirds of adults snack at least twice a day, according to a study by the U.S Department of Agriculture—a habit researchers associate with accumulation of belly fat. But you don’t have to go snackless to snack less. Just watch the clock. A study published in the Journal of the American Dietetic Associationfound that mid-morning snackers tended to consume more throughout the day than afternoon snackers. Afternoon snacking, on the other hand, was associated with a slightly higher intake of filling-fiber and fruits and vegetables.

Wear jeans.
Forget the suit and tie, leave the heels at home, and take advantage of every casual Friday. A study by The American Council on Exercise suggests casual clothing, as opposed to conventional business attire, can increase physical activity levels in our daily routines. Participants in the study took an additional 491 steps, and burned 25 more calories, on days they wore denim than when wearing traditional suit wear. That may sound trivial, but the calories add up! Researchers say keeping it casual just once a week could slash 6,250 calories over the course of the year—enough to offset the average annual weight gain (0.4 to 1.8 pounds) experienced by most Americans.

Take a nap.
The best piece of exercise equipment for the lazy dieter? The bed. No, you can’t lovemake your way to lean. (Although if you want to try, check out our steamy story on 8 Libido-Boosting Superfoods.) You can absolutely sleep your way to slender, though. In fact, getting enough quality sleep is crucial for healthy weight loss. A recent study found sub-par sleep could undermine weight loss by as much as 55 percent! Inadequate or broken sleep can throw hunger-regulating hormones out of balance. Ghrelin, the “I’m hungry” hormone, shoots up; leptin, the “I’m full!” hormone, decreases. The result? You’re hungrier, hangrier, and you eat more food.
Boost your chances of obtaining a flat belly by tweaking a couple things in your bedroom. A little extra effort will help youLose Weight While You Sleep.

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